Committee News

Chair of The Arts Society Nottingham - Ilanah Dance

News from the Committee

Ilanah is now providing up to date information in the emails which are sent to members each month in the first week of the month. She also gives updates in the messages she gives members before introducing the speakers at the lectures. Anything important can be communicated faster and more easily in this way.  These communications are more direct than the website and more likely to be seen by members. The committee will continue to look at new ways of getting information to you.

The committee met in April and decided that, after analysis of the Study Day Questionnaire results, a new format would be tried out for the April 2024 day.  The new format of lecture 1, coffee, lecture 2 and an optional lunch, will offer a less expensive and more flexible option to members. Study Days have been renamed "Days of Special Interest" which gives a better impression of the day than the more academic title - members who attend can enjoy the lectures without prior study. There will also be a new venue, Screen 3 at Broadway, which has similar facilities to Screen 1 but is smaller.

Governance reform of our parent charity, The Arts Society (TAS), was discussed. The committee could not approve the proposals at present, but wanted TAS to delay the proposed Emergency General Meeting (GEM) until an improved set of articles could be put forward. We accepted that change is needed as many societies, although fortunately not Nottingham, have lost many members. New ways of recruiting and informing potential members of our committment to the arts and how they can take part need to be found. Since the meeting we have heard that there has been a postponement of the EGM.

A new version of our leaflet for the season starting in October 2024 and including the new programme is being finalised and will be available shortly.