Committee News

Chair of The Arts Society Nottingham - Ilanah Dance

News from the Committee

Ilanah is now providing up to date information in the emails which are sent to members each month in the first week of the month. She also gives updates in the messages she gives members before introducing the speakers at the lectures. Anything important can be communicated faster and more easily in this way.  These communications are more direct than the website and more likely to be seen by members. The committee will continue to look at new ways of getting information to you.

The committee met in June and agreed that booking for the Special Interest Day about Paris in the first half of the 20th century should be opened before the June meeting.

Renewals are going well.

Next year will be the 50th anniversary of the founding of The Arts Society, and Chris is now looking at options to celebrate this.

The committe will meet again in September and finalise the arrangements for the AGM in October. Monica Booth, a longstanding committee member, and involved especially with Study Days, attended her last meeting, and good wishes and thanks were given to her.